Daydream So That You Can Be More Creative
Daydream So That You Can Be More Creative

Sally Tan (Dr)
Super Tutors Singapore
PhD, King’s College London
Education & Professional Studies Research
Daydream So That You Can Be More Creative
Benefits Of Daydreaming
Daydreaming is one of the greatest pastimes out there, and we have insightful explanations as to why:
- Daydreaming helps your mind to rest, according to the book Neuroplasticity of the Brain
- It also helps you compensate for unanswered needs
- When we imagine things, our brain produces a similar response as if we are actually experiencing, even though the response is slightly smaller
- Daydreaming can be good – if we do it in moderation – because realistically, we cannot always satisfy all of our needs and wants all the time
- Therefore, daydreaming allows our brain to experience certain positive emotions – at least temporarily – to compensate that we are not actually able to experience it in real life yet
- If you lack happiness, joyful daydreaming can bring you positive emotions
- Of, if you do not experience enough sad emotions – of course, none of us willingly want to feel sad often, but some scientists think that too much dopamine that is produced when a person is happy, is not always good for our long term health – imagining sad things can help you experience these emotions
- When you are able to zone out, you can feel like you are in an entirely different world
- You can temporarily forget about the real world, and imagine yourself in situations you will never be able to experience in real life
- Daydreaming helps you deal with physical, emotional, or mental pain because daydreaming about things can make you temporarily forget about them
- Many people who daydream can remember things better because daydreaming leads us to think about what happened a while ago, or what happened today
- When you daydream or think about it, it will strengthen that memory and make you remember it better
- Daydreaming gives you time to ponder about life, and to uncomplicate complicated issues – it can waken the latent philosopher inside you
- It can make you immune to the nonsensical happenings around you, and make you feel less anxious
- When you daydream, you will find yourself overflowing with ideas you could never have come up with if you did not allow your mind to wander
- Daydreaming can provide you a quick method to get away from reality, because it can also be a healthy method for dealing with certain situations and ideas
Daydreaming is actually very fun and addicting!
Be Creative
Creative people often need to imagine things in order to better develop their ideas.
For them, daydreaming is a way for them to think.
When you imagine, you can think of certain details that you have not thought of before.
Daydreaming is a way for us to stay motivated, and inspire yourself when you want to imagine your dreams and goals.
Problems Caused By Daydreaming
Daydreaming can be useful when you need a few minutes of relaxation.
As with everything in life, too much daydreaming can lead us to procrastinate, and to try to run away from problems – because the fantasy world is almost always more pleasant and ideal than what we experience in reality.
When you daydream too much, it can cause you to lose focus and forget important information.
If you are at work, in school, or trying to complete an important task, daydreaming can interfere with your productivity and cause you to either slow down – or even completely stop what you are supposed to be working on.
What Actually Is Daydreaming?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, daydreaming is a pleasant visionary usually wishful creation of the imagination.
This means that daydreaming can function as a mini mental vacation for your mind, because you are giving it time and space away from all your obligations until your mind returns feeling fresh again.
It allows your thoughts to escape to Happy Land, for a while!
Daydreams can spark some incredible creative thoughts – your brain can do whatever it pleases, to mix things up like never before when fully focused on reality.
Daydreaming can make you a better person.
When any of your friends or relatives are going through a difficult time, being able to imagine what they are going through can enable you to say to them: “I know what you are going through.”
Who Daydreams?
Celebrities like Woody Allen and JK Rowling have said that daydreaming has made them more creative and successful – you can be like them!
How To Daydream?
If you want to score higher marks in your exam, set a new high score in your game, or give a successful presentation to your boss, you should visualize yourself succeeding.
When you train your brain for success and victory, you are preparing your mindset and attitude for reality.
Start daydreaming now!

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